Wingstem Farm

Montvale, Va (540)947 0147

Wingstem Farm Pasture Raised Eggs 5$ a dozen

Currently for sale

Our Chickens' Quality of Life...

  • pasture raised, not completely free range for their safety.
  • ranged within movable netting that is shifted weekly.
  • not culled unless ill or injured beyond repair (larger scale operations routinely kill whole flocks at age 2 as egg production drops).
  • pasture is chemical free; birds forage for seeds, grains, plants, insects, and worms.
  • limited access to scratch grains, and as layers they also consume GMO-free feed.
  • never receive prophylactic antibiotics.
  • not exposed to artifical light to increase laying in winter as it causes stress.
  • production drops off in winter because of fewer daylight hours, and also in late summer as the birds go through their yearly molt.
egg colors

You are what you eat...

Chickens on pasture have been found to produce eggs with:

  • 4-6x more vitamin D
  • 1/3 less “bad” cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • 2x the omega-3 fatty acids
  • 3x vitamin E
  • 7x the beta carotene conventionally raised chickens (including eggs labeled 'cage free' in the supermarket.) *Source: Mother Earth News

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